A Vocal Service Provider
The Directory
Vocalice Services

Vocalice Services is a vocal service provider offering
a variety of vocal services in one location that can be
tailored to fit the needs of the customers that we serve.

Currently, we offer two categories of vocal services:
Singing and Voice-Over Services.

Our Singing Services offer four sub-categories of vocal
services: Session Singing, Entertainment, Vocal Instruction and
Consulting Services.

Our Voice-Over Services provide voice-overs for radio and
TV commercials, jingles and cartoon animation.

Our mission is to provide qualitative, dependable service
with a fast response our customers can count on. In addition,
we are striving to educate, assist, and provide employment
opportunities for singers who are pursuing vocal performing
as a career.

Our goal is to enhance the quality of projects within the music
community, advertising community, wedding/event planning
community and the independent consumers that we serve.

So, when you're looking for a singer for your next project or
special event, contact Vocalice Services.

We are open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday.

© Vocalice Services LLC. All rights reserved.